Thursday, April 4, 2013

what is hate do you ask
is it just a cover up mask
is it a cover for your problems
or for something you don't understand.
Is it something you feel toward a band
Hate is what some people love to do
don't know what i mean i'll give you a clue
Ever watched a show that had someone you loved to hate
Yeah that's what im trying to say okay
that's why the show was created
so the characters love to be hated
isn't it ironic though
that reality tv isn't a reality based show
Hi people who actually look at my blog but don't follow it. This message is to you. So I'd like to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell how you how you can find a stalker anywhere. Dear person ,or people, who +1d my post please send me a message. or comment on one of my posts. I really like to know who is liking my posts. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Slenderman and Slender things. A study of how to make A scary video game.

Slenderman and the rest.
A video game has not made an impact as much as Slenderman has since Dead Island.
The whole point is to avoid this creepy half octopus half man with no face man. There have already been at least 10 versions of this game.
I talked about slenderman because I feel he is the best example. Just think about it. You wake up and there is this guy standing in your doorway. tentacles flailing. What? that doesn't scare you. Well look at it this way. maybe you are a rational level headed person. so to you person I give you a study of how scary video games are created. and what goes into them.
How to make a scary video game.

  • You need to have the element of suprise. This means that something unexpected will happen at the right moment. It can't be predictable. for example. Your set is a jail cell. It would be predictable to have something fly out of the cell or out of the cell toilet. That would be stupid. Instead build suspense. Have something run across in the distance. Then wait awhile and have something jump out when the player turns around. 
  • Second make everything strike fear into their heart. The setting should resemble a horror movie setting no purples. make everything grey and black.
  • it's okay to use cliches. Just be wise. 
    • Here are the ones that are okay
      • mental institute(very scary)
      • insane asylum
      • hospital
      • jail
      • haunted house
      • forest
      • well( like the kind that you drop coins into)
      • field
      • dolls
  • Yes these are what you need to make a scary video game. Also should build suspense. And flash images quickly. I call this the shining method. Like that hallway scene. if you don't know what im talking about look it up at hallway scene shining on youtube. But do so at your own caution because you will crap yourself.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hey Guys, So I have decided to start a band. What should I name it.
I have thought of these names so far.
The revolutions
yeah not too much.

Friday, November 23, 2012

tennis shoes with dresses
Colored jeans
Sheer tops
Knee socks
Hot topic 
Forever 21
Rage comics
rune scape
old greg
The perks of being a wallflower 
twilight saga part 2 of movie four.
James bond Skyfall
Wreck it ralph.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hey everyone so this is coolfan where i write about trending things and popular things and NO i will not be using the phrase hashtag anywhere in this paragraph so just be quiet about it.
here 's what's twending:
YOLO (suprisingly)
soul eater(look it up best tv series should win an academy award. )
hot topic
colored jeans
yerds( yearbook nerds)
Mitt Romney
undecided voters
modern family
go on
and last but not least.
thank and that is todays trending list. I do not post on weekdays.